



  Kung Fu has evolved from a traditional means of defence to become a system of attacking and defending oneself, with or without weapons, exercising the body and maintaining good physical and mental health. As such, these practices have found an international following. Yet what has remained a largely unexplored area is the scientific principles behind these martial arts.

  This book not only covers the brief history of Chinese martial arts, but also brings together the wisdom of a Kung Fu grand master with a scientist and teacher to explain the scientific reasons why Kung Fu is the powerful practice that it is. Using the principles of physics, biomechanics and biology, with a number of drawings showing some basic postures of Kung Fu, the authors present a deep understanding of how the styles, the specific movements and methods of attack and defence operate.




  Fen Sun is a PhD. student at East China Normal University of Shanghai. Fen Sun’s major is Chinese philosophy and her research direction is Chinese philosophy and religion. She has published some articles on this topic. Fen Sun previously worked as a teaching assistant at City University of Hong Kong.  

Patrick TK LEUNG

  Sifu Leung Ting Kwok (Patrick) is the founder, chairman and principal instructor of Soft Wing Chun Academy (Hong Kong), and the vice chairman of World Wing Chun Union, the Hong Kong Wing Chun Union and Ving Tsun Development Council.

  He was one of the first people to become a Wing Chun Senior Instructor and is a Qualified Referee certificate holder of Ving Tsun Athletic Association, which was founded by Grand Master Ip Man.  
  After forty years of training, Grand Master Ip Chun awarded him a certificate to teach for Ip Chun worldwide. He is a seventh Duan holder, Examiner, and Instructor of National Wu Shu Duan Wei, China. He has been teaching Wing Chun for over thirty years in renowned organisations.

  Sifu has also appeared at seminars around the world and been interviewed by Philippine, Spanish and British publications.


  Roy Vellaisamy is a scientist of molecular electronics, molecular self-assembly, photonics, nano-materials science, bio-electronics, renewable energy (solar and fuel cells) and printed electronics. He started his research on light-emitting materials during his PhD at Nagpur University, India and moved to explore the growth of various organic molecules for light emitting transistors (LET) in the ISMN, Council for National Research, Bologna. In 2004, he joined the Department of Chemistry at The University of Hong Kong and he focused on various molecular materials for electronic device applications.

  Currently he is with the Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong leading a group of physicists, chemists and engineers for the fabrication of functional self-assembly materials to devices and integration of such devices for printed electronics and energy harvesting devices.

  He is also an accomplished Kung Fu practitioner and teaches the GE course “Science in Chinese Kung Fu” in City University of Hong Kong.


Part I: Overview
1.What is Kung Fu? 
2.How does Kung Fu relate to the sciences?
3.What are the physical benefits of practising Kung Fu?
4.Is Kung Fu only good for the body? 
5.What are the different functions of Kung Fu?
6.What is the origin and historical development of Kung Fu?
7.How did Chinese weapons evolve throughout history?
Part II: Starting Out
8.What is the most important lesson in Kung Fu?
9.What is the centre of gravity?
10. What is equilibrium?
11. What is supporting area?
12. What is the importance of the centre of gravity?
13. What are stability angle and equilibrium?
14. How do Kung Fu masters keep their balance while falling?
15. How does the basic stance of Wing Chun differ from other Kung Fu stances?
16. How do our bodies generate forces? What are their functions?
17. Are forces in physics the same as forces in Chinese martial arts?
18. Why do Kung Fu masters possess so much strength?
19. What are the different kinds of Jing?
20. What is the most important body part in the practice of Kung Fu?
21. Why do Kung Fu masters practise their routines over and over again?
22. What is the use of the wooden dummy in Wing Chun?
Part III: Style
23. How many Kung Fu styles are there?
24. Why are some schools of martial arts lost to the world?
25. Is Shaolin really the birthplace of all Chinese Kung Fu?
26. What are the different schools of Shaolin Kung Fu?
27. What are the 72 Shaolin secret arts?
28. Are there specific schools of Kung Fu suitable for certain age groups or prevention of certain diseases?
29. Why are the internal arts so important?
30. What is Qi?
31. Is Qi a material?
32. How is Qi manipulated through breathing?
33. What is Qi Gong?
34. What is the difference between hard Qi Gong and soft Qi Gong? 
35. Is hard Qi Gong scientific?
36. What is the science behind iron palm?
37. What is headbutt? Is it related to Qi Gong? What is the science behind it?
38. How does Qi influence Jing (power and force) in martial arts?
39. Could I teach myself Qing Gong?
40. How can practising Nei Gong help me be a better fighter?
41. What are the differences between internal boxing and external boxing?
42. Which one is more powerful, internal or external boxing?
43. Which is more powerful, Shaolin boxing or its descendant Wu Dang Nei Jia boxing?
44. What are the different schools of Wu Dang? 
45. Why do Kung Fu moves imitate nature or animals?
46. What is Shaolin five-form boxing?
47. What are the five elements? 
48. Other than Shaolin five-form boxing, is there any Kung Fu that imitates animals or nature?
49. What do Yin and Yang mean?
50. How can Yin and Yang be applied in martial arts?
51. How do you read a Ba Gua (eight trigrams) map?
52. How are the eight trigrams applied in Kung Fu?
53. What is drunken style?
54. What is Tai Chi? How does Tai Chi influence Kung Fu?
55. Why is Tai Chi Quan so slow and calm?
56. What is Dian Xue and how does it work?
57. How many vital points are there in the human body?
58. Does Xue stay at the same position all the time?
Part IV: Ultimate Battle
59. What is the scientific theory every Kung Fu practitioner must learn in order to fight with others?
60. Does a knowledge of anatomy make a better Kung Fu fighter?
61. What is the application of force couple in Kung Fu?
62. What is the application of the lever principle in Kung Fu? 
63. Is it possible for a slim man to defeat a stout man?
64. How do you give a strong punch? 
65. How can you hit your opponent with the greatest effect?
66. Can the force of one’s punch be increased?
67. Is it possible that the force of a punch from a slim man is the same as from a stout man?
68. Which is the most powerful Quan (punch) of all?
69. Is it possible to “attack a naked blade empty-handed”?
70. How does the law of inertia apply to Kung Fu? 
71. What are the benefits of the law of inertia?
72. How does one save effort during combat?
73. What is the importance of the centreline in Wing Chun?
74. Why do martial artists refuse to kill their enemies?

  The Chinese, “Kung Fu” means perfection or hard work, which exemplifies the practice-based nature of Kung Fu. It has a long history and has branched into hundreds of different styles and schools, most of them originating from the Shaolin monastery for Buddhist monks where they use Kung Fu to maintain their health. Today it is popular across a broad spectrum of people for a wide variety of reasons.

  This book arose from the course “Science in Chinese Kung Fu” I teach in City University of Hong Kong. As a scientist and a practitioner, it is something which has always intrigued me. As there are so many practitioners of Kung Fu around the world it was thought that this might be of interest to a wider audience or indeed that it may appeal to those with an interest in Kung Fu but who have felt, perhaps, that it lacked a solid scientific basis.

  We discuss the scientific flavour of Kung Fu and explain how science makes Chinese Kung Fu more effective and more versatile. This book is interdisciplinary in nature, and includes aspects of classical mechanics to understand how Kung Fu works in action. In addition, bio-mechanics, a concept used to describe martial arts in motion, is explained using fundamental physics concepts. Finally, the book offers a different view, based on science, of how Kung Fu can help to maintain physical and mental health.

  This is a collaboration of three parties. Fen Sun carried out much research and writing, particularly on the historical, civilisation and ethics parts. T. K. Leung is a Wing Chun Sifu (master) who gave advice on postures, stances and real combat situations for which I then provided  the scientific interpretation.


  • ISBN:9789629372521
  • 叢書系列:
  • 規格:平裝 / 178頁 / 15.5 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> > >



文章純屬原創,版權歸作者所有,歡迎個人轉發分享。 生育,是指繁衍後代,是女性懷孕在體內孕育,並且分娩後代,對於每一個種族來說,生育都是一件大事,有的物種,比如說海馬,是雄性生育;還有蝸牛,蚯蚓這些,是雌雄同體,不需要尋扎另一半。 對於人類而言,我們是哺乳動物,是女性負責生育,女性要經過十月懷胎,才能生下孩子,這個過程是非常痛苦的,從懷孕開始,孕婦就會有妊娠反應,而等到生孩子的時候,更是要經歷非常大的痛苦,醫學上把分娩的痛苦定義為最高級別。 而最近有一項十分奇特的體驗館,可以讓男性也體驗一下生孩子的痛苦,很多女性會帶著自己的另一半去體驗,讓男方感受一下女性所經歷的痛苦,才能更好的體諒媽媽的偉大。 ...... 全球首個「懷孕」的男人,因為妻子無法懷孕,所以代替妻子生育 但是你知道嗎?在世界上有一個男人,他不用去體驗館就感受了生兒育女的過程,他是以為來自美國的男人,叫做托馬斯。 其實托馬斯原來並不是男人,他原來的性別是女性,但是隨著托馬斯長大,他發現,自己更希望當一名男生,他認為自己的心理性別其實是男性,他雖然喜歡和男生一起玩,但卻只對女性動心。 托馬斯在後來,也找到了自己未來的愛人,是一名女性,但是他們所在地方卻不允許同性婚姻,因此托馬斯決定做回自己,去變性成男性,他服用雄性激素,做手術,把自己變成男人,但還是擁有女性的生育器官。 後來托馬斯和妻子在一起後,想要一個孩子,組成一個完整的家庭,妻子去做試管嬰兒,卻發現她已經失去了生育能力,於是托馬斯決定,自己代替妻子,承擔生育的責任。 ...... 成為三個孩子的媽媽,他如今生活如何? 試管嬰兒並不容易,過程是非常痛苦的,但是兩人還是想擁有一個完整的家,而經過托馬斯的努力,如今他們已經孕育出一個女兒和兩個兒子,如今過著五口之家的生活,兩人覺得非常幸福,都認為做試管嬰兒是一個十分正確的決定。 托馬斯很感謝自己當初保留了生殖器官,雖然自己的夢想是成為男人,但是能和妻子擁有一個完整家庭,孕育出自己的孩子,對他來說也是一件非常幸福的事情,現在他們打算再要一個孩子,因此他們正在積極的備孕之中。 ...... 托馬斯也因為生育,被認為是全球首個生育的男人,雖然他的情況有些特殊,並且也有些爭議,但無論如何,不管是男是女,能夠按照自己的想法生活都是一件幸福的事情,對於托馬斯一家,小編還是祝福他們,對此,你們是怎麼看呢? 每天分享更多各個國家的小知識和奇聞異事,如果您喜歡這篇文章,歡迎點讚或者分享給更多的人,也可以關注看到更多文章!















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